
Daily English Dictation

关于B站Coach Shane老师的每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400的学习记录。


  • Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Price for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta, India — She was 87 years old.
  • dies 用一般现在时表过去发生的事,给人身临其境的感觉。


  • Jerry, what time do you have (de yuh ave) ?

    I have (ave) five o’clock.

  • what time 两相同音,保留第二个,即 wha time

  • 7 Hs:he, her, him, his, have, has, had

    连读时,去掉h发音,即 have(ave)


  • There are three things I have(ave) learned Never to(t’) discuss with people, religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin!

  • Never 重度第一音,表示决心

  • to的7种发音:to, tah, tuh, t’, dah, duh, d’

    其中较为常用的是:t’, d’


  • Don’t ever (Don-ever) let(le) somebody tell you you can’t(can) do something(sump’n).

  • 强音:S, N, L

    弱音:d, t, th

    当强音遇到了弱音,弱音省略,即 Don’t(Don)

  • can’t同样因为强弱音原则变成can,但是重音与表肯定的can又区别。表否定的can’t读作短促的can

  • something(sump’n)


  • I have come here to(d’) chew bubblegum and(an) kick ass… and(an) I’m(ahm) all out of (outta) bubblegum!

  • to的7种发音:to, tah, tuh, t’, dah, duh, d’

    其中较为常用的是:t’, d’

  • and(an) 强弱音原则

  • I’m(ahm)

  • out of (outta)


  • The secret of life is just(juss) to(t’) live every moment.


  • Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.


  • German, Rolf Buchholz, is the (ize) man with the most(mos) piercings, he’s got 453!
  • is the (ize) 强弱音原则
  • with the 相似音留后一个
  • 453 -> four hu-nerd fivety three


  • A satellite that was carried to(t’) space aboard the shuttle Discovery twenty(tweny) years age, is about to(t’) fall to(d’) Earth, but noboby knows where the debris(d’-bree) will hit.


  • It’s a (I’sa) lofty, probably impossible goal.


  • New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday.
  • Doubleheader 一天连赛两场
  • 以同样的4比2的比分连赢两场


  • Jim Henson, creator of(o’) the Muppets - from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street, is born in Greenville , MS.